Sunday, May 2, 2010

Gardening Update: Avoiding a "Death by tomato plant" lawsuit

The Crafting Widower is back from his business trip - so I am using his laptop to download photos I took on his camera.  Yeah!  I have been itching to post some photos of my gardening.  This qualifies for a crafting post since I was so creative with my upside-down tomato plants .  And, I'm just really excited about starting a garden.  So, without further ado, here's my upside-down tomato plant in the making:

there's a hole in my bucket dear liza, dear liza...

Crafting to camouflage the ugly Rona logo.

Pushing the tomato plant through the coconut liner.

Then I filled the bucket with dirt and hung it from the hook.

Above is the coconut basket liner that I cut apart. 


One week in - so far, so good.  The bucket has not yet plummeted 2 floors down and taken out our 70+ year old fellow resident as she works in the garden.  Phewf!  The Crafting Widower said he would check the structural integrity of the hook for me, so that we don't have to worry about a "Death by tomato plant" lawsuit.  

I also found out that my cousin-in-law (and fellow blogger), is also trying to grow tomatoes upside down in a bag she bought from Target.  We'll have to compare notes.  


  1. It looks very cool, I hope it works. Have you let someone else besides me know that you have a blog???

  2. Julie Waddell SmithMay 10, 2010 at 12:35 PM

    Looking good...I can taste the juice tomatoes already.
